Thursday, April 25, 2013

Dinesh D Souza

Dinesh D Souza is an author and political commentator who celebrates his 52nd Birthday today. He was born on April 25 1961 to Goan Catholic parents in Mumbai. In 1976, he completed his graduation and then went to the United States, where he attended Patagonia Union High School, Patagonia and Dartmouth College, where he graduated with a B.A in English Phi Beta Kappa in 1983. Dinesh became the editor of The Prospect, a conservative monthly. He was also the writer for the Dartmouth Review, an independent student publication. D Souza then went to Washington, D.C., where he was an editor of Policy Review from 1985 to 1987. Dinesh D Souza, then became an advisor in Ronald Reagan's White House in 1988 and joined the American Enterprise Institute the next year.'Souza

He became the U.S. Citizen in 1991. Later in 2010, he was named the president of The King's College. The same year, he wrote the book titled, The Roots of Obama's Rage, which went on to become the most influential political book of the year and the best seller. As a noted conservative, Dinesh D Souza writes about social issues. He has written about the conservative ideas for youth in Letters to a Young Conservative. In the 2003 book, What's So Great About America, he defends the U.S. Against the criticisms it faced that time. He supports the notion that all cultures in the world are equal. This Celebrity describes himself as a nondenominational Christian and is comfortable with Reformation theology. In the 2007 book, What's so Great about Christianity, he penned down his views in an elaborate presentation. In another book, Life After Death: The Evidence, he uses philosophical and scientific arguments to support the afterlife concept.

In 2012, two of his books were published titled, Godforsaken and Obama's America: Unmaking the American Dream. The latter was the best seller and a documentary was also made with the same title, 2016: Obama's America. This became one of the bestselling among the list of documentaries and was the second highest all time political documentary. Dinesh was married to Dixie Brubaker in 1992 and have a daughter. In 2012, an article in World Magazine stated that he had separated from Dixie and engaged to Denise Odie Joseph. He filed for divorce with Dixie officially in October 2012. Dinesh D Souza comes under the Taurus zodiac sign. His main enduring qualities are patience and persistence. He is determined, have many goals in life but conservative. His Horoscope predicts that this year will bring some kind of emotional stability. There is good progress in career. Some controversies might arise in relation to high placed people. Overall, the year has more positives for this notable personalities. Recently, I shared Sachin Tendulkar's horoscope.

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